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Create the second growth curve of environmental industry | Xuelang Environmental was invited to attend the 2023 environmental entrepreneurs media meeting

Release time:2023-03-05 Reading quantity:2139 Return list

On March 1, Hu Jianmin, vice president of the Environment Chamber of Commerce, chairman and president of Xuerang Environment, was invited to attend the "2023 Environmental Entrepreneur Media Meeting" hosted by the Environment Chamber of Commerce in Beijing, focusing on the theme of "How to create a secondary growth curve for the environmental industry in the post-epidemic era".


In the media question-and-answer session, Hu Jianmin shared and exchanged information on how to create a secondary growth curve in the snow wave environment.

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Hu Jianmin believes that the core competitiveness of any environmental protection enterprise may maintain its market advantage for a period of time, but it also needs to establish a mechanism of technological update iteration through long-term technological innovation, scale effects and other ways to continue to improve the overall competitiveness. After the mixed reform of the snow wave environment in 2020, the elements of scientific and technological innovation have been more prominent, and a scientific and technological innovation mechanism has been established. Consolidate the technical advantages in the field of industrial waste gas treatment and optimize and update, and actively promote the development of technology and equipment in the field of waste resources. In the field of waste incineration power generation, snow wave environment can assist customers to carry out various cooperation. First, the internal waste heat recovery and reuse to improve the thermal efficiency of the whole plant; Second, with the improvement of national environmental protection standards, the original environmental protection facilities are updated and upgraded; The third is to assist waste incineration power generation enterprises to build around local waste-free cities and transform factories into solid waste incineration power plants.

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At the meeting, Li Qilin, chairman of the Environment Chamber of Commerce, made a keynote speech on "Building the secondary Growth curve of environmental industry", reviewing the development of environmental industry in the past ten years, in view of the opportunities and challenges of environmental industry, Li Qilin believed that leading enterprises should integrate the market and develop business models; Technology companies focus on innovation to help improve profitability; Operation enterprise digital empowerment, improve quality and efficiency; Financial enterprises investment innovation premium, investment assets appreciation. This kind of diversified collaborative cooperation may be a new scenario for the future environmental industry to upgrade again and achieve high-quality development.

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The Environmental Entrepreneur Media Meet is one of the series of brand events of the Environment Chamber of Commerce, which has been meeting the public on time on the eve of the "2 Meetings" every year since 2013. The meeting will base on the hot spots of the industry, look forward to the trend of the industry, convey the voice of the industry, and actively offer suggestions to build a communication platform and contribute to the healthy and sustainable development of the industry.

This year's "2 meeting", the Environment Chamber of Commerce continues to offer suggestions for the development of the industry, leading member enterprises to jointly draft the "Proposal on Safeguarding the healthy development of hazardous waste treatment Industry", which is being reviewed by the National Federation of Industry and Commerce, and intends to submit a group proposal to the National Committee of the CPPCC.

Mr. Li Qilin, President of Environmental Chamber of Commerce and President of Fresh Environment, Mr. Huang Xiaojun, Executive Chairman of Environmental Chamber of Commerce and Vice President/Managing Director of Veolia China, Mr. Jin Duo, Vice president of Environmental Chamber of Commerce and President of Hanlan Environment, attended the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Ma Hui, Secretary General of the Environment Chamber of Commerce.