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Happy news | Xuelang Environment successfully won the bid for Yueqing Municipal solid waste incineration Phase II expansion project

Release time:2023-09-13 Reading quantity:1941 Return list

Recently, Xuelang Environment successfully won the bid of Yueqing Urban Construction Investment Group Co., LTD. "Yueqing Municipal solid waste incineration Phase II expansion project flue gas purification system equipment procurement + installation + commissioning project", consolidating the development pace of our waste incineration flue gas treatment business layout in East China, and further enhancing the company's brand influence and market position in the field of environmental governance.


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The flue gas purification system of Yueqing Municipal solid waste incineration Phase II expansion project adopts the seven-step process: "SNCR+ semi-dry method + dry method + activated carbon injection + bag dust removal + wet method +SCR", the project by our company to provide two sets of 750t/d waste incinerator supporting flue gas purification system detailed design, on-site installation and commissioning, technical services and the whole system performance guarantee and after-sales service.

The project conforms to the national and Zhejiang industrial policy requirements, the implementation of the project plays a positive role in the improvement of Yueqing regional environment, and will effectively realize the resource utilization of domestic waste.