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Environmental Lecture Hall Phase I | sludge drying and incineration technology

Release time:2022-09-01 Reading quantity:2251 Return list


Speaker: Gong Bin

Topic of this issue: Sludge drying and incineration technology

About sludge

1 Sludge Overview

Sludge is the end product of sewage treatment, is an extremely complex heterogeneous body composed of organic products, bacterial bacteria, inorganic particles, colloids, etc., the moisture content can be as high as 99%.

2 Sludge Types

Municipal sludge, pipe network sludge, river and lake sludge, industrial sludge (printing and dyeing sludge, paper sludge, leather sludge, biological fermentation sludge, chemical fiber sludge, chemical sludge, desulfurization sludge, other wastewater sludge)

3 Sludge Characteristics

High water content (internal water ratio is high, dehydration is difficult, general mechanical dehydration 75-85%, medicine depth dehydration 55-70%)

Low calorific value (80% moisture sludge is negative calorific value, dry sludge calorific value is generally higher)

High content of harmful substances (containing a lot of bacteria, parasite eggs, virus)

Most sludge is accompanied by a foul smell

Some sludge heavy metals exceed the standard (mixed treatment of industrial wastewater and urban sewage is common)

Unstable physical properties (easy to lose and pollute environmental groundwater)


Common sludge treatment methods

Landfill method (takes up a lot of land resources and has the risk of groundwater pollution)

Composting method (excessive heavy metals in sludge, limited use of sludge fertilizer)

Heat treatment methods (pyrolysis, carbonization, incineration, etc., are widely accepted and promoted)

Sludge incineration technology

1 Type of incineration method

Direct incineration of sludge after deep dehydration

Incineration of sludge after drying

2 Characteristics of incineration method

The volume reduction rate is high, generally only 1/10 of the original volume

Complete incineration of organic matter, killing pathogenic bacteria, and handling thoroughly

Handle it nearby and avoid long distance transportation

The processing speed is fast and does not require long-term storage

Resources can be recovered for sludge drying, heating and power generation

Ash slag comprehensive utilization is convenient, building materials utilization

Our technology

1 Type of sludge treatment

Municipal sludge (urban sewage sludge, park mixed sewage sludge, pipe network sludge, river and lake sludge, etc.)

Industrial sludge (printing and dyeing sludge, paper sludge, leather sludge, biological fermentation sludge, chemical fiber sludge, etc.)

Hazardous waste sludge (chemical wastewater sludge, sludge, etc.)

2 Processing Targets

Reduce quantification, stabilize, harmless, resource, low-cost

3 Project Plan

Tailor-made to achieve the 'five most' goal

The most suitable processing process

The most reasonable system combination

The most economical investment operating cost

High resource recovery

Meet the new environmental emission standards







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